Sunday, August 5, 2007

Why Do I Scrap?

In the Aug./Sept. issue of Memory Makers, an article written by Courtney Walsh called "Page Essentials" synthesized the common reasons for why scrapbookers do what they do. Three main ideas were posed to explain why individuals chose to express through this wildly popular medium of ours. The purposes were listed as follows: To Leave a Legacy, To Have a Creative Outlet and To Give Back to Family and Friends. While I enjoyed reading the article (and I am sure Courtney didn't mean for it to be an exhaustive list by any means), I questioned where I fit in. In a very typical 'me' manner, I don't snuggly fit into any of those boxed definitions. I treasure this craft/hobby/artistic revolution called scrapbooking because in so many ways it has helped me 'bloom where I am' but has embellished my growth process along the way!
So, Courtney, why do I scrapbook? Because I have to. I have to, not because everyone else is doing it (in fact, 6 years ago I didn't want to do it because everyone was...). But as Simple Scrapbook's editor Cathy Z. said "My hobby makes me pay attention to my life...Life has little bits of magic at nearly every turn if you're looking closely enough." I don't know a better way to look closely then to dedicate time (alone or with others)to focus on the things and people I value most. Scrapbooking gave me the excuse as a responsible adult, to play and capture that magic. The altruistic side of me argues that, of course, no one needs an excuse to play. But so many of us do need that invitation to step from the treadmill pace of modern day life and place aside our obligations long enough to remember all that makes life worthwhile.
I myself needed that invitation 6 years ago when I was told by my counselor to "get a hobby and have some fun" because I was dealing with anxiety issues. To give it a try I, semi- reluctantly joined my friend at a stamp and scrapping party and eventually found much more than a "hobby". I found other women who needed to connect as much as I (apparently) did! I found other adult women who were rediscovering how much fun it is to play with scissors and paper. I found others who needed to laugh, cry, pray and share about the moments of magic that had touched their lives.
So why do I scrap--because I need to. I do it for the mental release, the private thrill of stealing time for myself, for the way my heart is rekindled towards my relationships, for the lingering magic that double-sided tape leaves on my fingertips. I do it for me and my family. I do it to leave a legacy, of course, but I also invest in this art form because together, many passionate women are cultivating a fragrant garden of community in a sometimes disconnected culture.

Crafted in Love,
Scrap Chick

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