Monday, August 27, 2007

Suburban Pirate

Hi ladies,
My hubby and I were busy lately-taking photos at our friend's wedding and preparing for school. (we are both teachers) But I have an irresistable urge to submit to contests now that I haven't won CK SOY or MMM!! LOL
But all my hard work what do I do with it? SUBMIT--so I'll give you a taste of my latest entry for *AMM's August Contest (*A Million Memories). It is a cool site-check it out. You can see more of my detail pics on the user gallery!
The theme is pirates--and I called mine "Suburban Pirate--Hunter of Stuff". I have gone "yard-saleing" (like it is an actual sport or hobby) since I was a tiny child. I come from one of those artsy-collecting-pack rat kind of families and now I just can't help myself. LOL
I love looking at antiques,thrift stores and garage sales... but what is really exciting is ---the HUNT. It has to rank up there with the thrill men feel when they fish--ya know--it's a good day if they caught a big one even if they did spend 5 hours waiting for that one fish (oh help me--I could never sit that long looking at water) But add some girlfriends, husband or family, rummage through people's discarded objects--now there's an adventure!!!!
*This is a 2-page LO. The smaller photos on the 2nd page describe how to 'HUNT'--Haggle, Seek and Share. Each photo is held on by Basic Grey's magnetic dots and when they are turned over, they reveal some journaling.


Stacy said...

Your layouts are very you! I love the sephia pictures and the snap shots are so cute! Great job!

jadadog said...

I found you thru Stacy (above)...I just love the Pirate one...great work!